Best Worst-Case Expected Value

Probability Distribution

We denote a finite set of states for probabilities and utilities as

\[I=\{1,2,...,k\},\quad kโˆˆโ„•.\]

We define a vector of discrete probabilities associated with the states as


such that all elements are greater or equal to zero $๐ฉโ‰ฅ0$ and the sum of all elements is one $๐ฉโ‹…๐Ÿ_k=1$ where $๐Ÿ_k=(1)^k$ is a vector of $k$ ones and $โ‹…$ is the dot product. We also define utilities associated with the states as a vector of real numbers


Together, a vector of probabilities and utilities define a probability distribution.

Maximin Expected Value

We can define the expected value as the dot product of probabilities and utilities


We define an uncertainty set as a set of probability vectors $๐.$ In decision programming, a chance node has multiple states and each state is associated with a probability distribution. Hence, in robust decision programming, each probability vector is associated with an uncertainty set. We need to account for all combinations of the uncertainty sets by formulating the maximin expected value to over a product of the uncertainty sets.

We denote multiple uncertainty sets as $๐_1,...,๐_m$ with indices $L=\{1,...,m\}$ where $mโˆˆโ„•.$ Then, a product uncertainty set is

\[๐_L^{ร—}=โˆ_{lโˆˆL} ๐_{l}.\]

Given multiple utility vectors $๐ฎ_1,...,๐ฎ_m$, we define the problem as maximizing the minimum expected value over the product uncertainty set over decision variables $Z$ similar to Wald's maximin model

\[\max_{zโˆˆZ}\, \min_{(๐ช_1,...,๐ช_m)โˆˆ๐_L^{ร—}} โˆ‘_{lโˆˆL} ๐”ผ(๐ช_l, ๐ฎ_l(z)).\]

We can simplify the formulation to a more computationally tractable form

\[\max_{zโˆˆZ}\, โˆ‘_{lโˆˆL} \min_{๐ชโˆˆ๐_l} ๐”ผ(๐ช, ๐ฎ_l(z)).\]

Now, we can reformulate the maximin over product uncertainty set in mathematical programming as

\[\max_{zโˆˆZ}\, โˆ‘_{lโˆˆL} x_l\]

\[x_l โ‰ค ๐”ผ(๐ช, ๐ฎ_l(z)),\quad โˆ€๐ชโˆˆ๐_{l},\, lโˆˆL\]

Local Uncertainty Set

We can formulate a local uncertainty set $๐_{๐ฉ}$ around a pivot probability $๐ฉ$ by formulating a local ambiguity set $๐ƒ_{๐ฉ}$ of deviations $๐$ such that each element of the uncertainty set satisfies


We can express the uncertainty set in terms of the ambiguity set as


We can also define the minimum expected value over the local uncertainty set in terms of the local ambiguity set

\[\min_{๐ชโˆˆ๐_๐ฉ} ๐”ผ(๐ช, ๐ฎ) = \min_{๐โˆˆ๐ƒ_๐ฉ} ๐”ผ(๐ฉ+๐, ๐ฎ) = ๐”ผ(๐ฉ,๐ฎ) + \min_{๐โˆˆ๐ƒ_๐ฉ} ๐”ผ(๐,๐ฎ).\]

Therefore, we can focus on forming the local ambiguity set and minimizing expected value over it.

Local Ambiguity Set

We define the lower bounds $๐^{-}โ‰ค0$ and upper bounds $๐^{+}โ‰ฅ0$ for deviations $๐$ as parameters such that


As a consequence from the properties of discrete probabilities, we obtain

\[๐ช^{+}=๐ฉ+๐^{+}โ‰ค1 โŸน ๐^{+}โ‰ค1-๐ฉ,\]

\[๐ช^{-}=๐ฉ+๐^{-}โ‰ฅ0 โŸน ๐^{-}โ‰ฅ-๐ฉ.\]

We also obtain the conservation of probability mass as


Finally, we can limit the Wasserstein distance of uncertainty set elements from the pivot by constraining the magnitude of the deviation to $lโˆˆโ„•$ norm less or equal to an uncertainty radius $0โ‰คฯตโ‰ค1$ as


By setting $ฯต=1$ we can make the magnitude constraint inactive.

Given parameters lower bound $-๐ฉโ‰ค๐^{-}โ‰ค0$, upper bound $0โ‰ค๐^{+}โ‰ค1-๐ฉ$, and uncertainty radius $0โ‰คฯตโ‰ค1,$ the continuous local ambiguity set is the set of all deviations that satisfy the defined constraints

\[\bar{๐ƒ}^{l}_๐ฉ=\{๐โˆˆ[๐^{-},๐^{+}]โˆฃ ๐โ‹…๐Ÿ_k=0,\, \|๐\|_lโ‰ค2ฯต\}.\]

The ambiguity set is convex, which makes optimization tractable. Smaller values of $l$ make the ambiguity set more pessimistic and larger values more optimistic. We refer to the ambiguity set as polyhedral when $l=1.$

To form an explicit formulation of the mathematical programming model, we have to discretize the ambiguity set. A discrete local ambiguity set $๐ƒ^{l}_๐ฉ$ is a finite subset of $\bar{๐ƒ}^{l}_๐ฉ$ such that it contains all deviations $๐$ for all utility vectors $๐ฎโˆˆโ„^{k}$ that can minimize the expected value. We can solve the discretization for local polyhedral ambiguity set using the cross-assignment algorithm.

Proof of Convexity of Ambiguity Set

Let $๐_1,๐_2โˆˆ๐ƒ_๐ฉ,$ we must show that $๐โˆˆ๐ƒ_๐ฉ$ where $๐=(1-ฮป)๐_1+ฮป๐_2$ with $ฮปโˆˆ[0,1].$

  1. Minimum: $๐=(1-ฮป)๐_1+ฮป๐_2โ‰ฅ(1-ฮป)๐^{-}+ฮป๐^{-}=๐^{-}.$
  2. Maximum: $๐=(1-ฮป)๐_1+ฮป๐_2โ‰ค(1-ฮป)๐^{+}+ฮป๐^{+}=๐^{+}.$
  3. Conservation of probability mass: $๐โ‹…๐Ÿ_k=(1-ฮป)๐_1โ‹…๐Ÿ_k+ฮป๐_2โ‹…๐Ÿ_k=0$
  4. Limit for magnitude (Triangle inequality): $\|๐\|_lโ‰ค(1-ฮป)\|๐_1\|_l+ฮป\|๐_2\|_lโ‰ค2ฯต$