Documentation for ShelfSpaceAllocation.jl's interface.




JSON stores multi-dimensional arrays as nested arrays. If we load an array a whose elements are accessed a[i, j, k], the elements of the nested array are accessed in reverse order a[k][j][i]. However, the function load_json converts the nested arrays back to multi-dimensional arrays.

We use simple plain text formats CSV and JSON for input and output of numerical values.


Load sets, subsets and parameters from CSV files.

Each CSV file in product_path contains following attributes:

  • product_id
  • category_id
  • brand_id
  • width
  • height
  • depth
  • weight
  • monthly_demand
  • replenishment_interval
  • price
  • unit_margin
  • blocking_field
  • min_facing
  • max_facing
  • max_stack
  • up_down_order_criteria

Each CSV file in shelf_path contains following attributes:

  • module
  • id
  • level
  • total_width
  • total_height
  • total_length
  • product_min_unit_weight
  • product_max_unit_weight

Examples of input parameters can found inside examples/instances directory.


  • product_path::AbstractString
  • shelf_path::AbstractString


Model Reference

Sets and Subsets

  • $p∈P$ – A set of products.
  • $s∈S$ – A set of shelves.
  • $b∈B$ – A set of blocks. Blocks are an index of mutually exclusive subsets of products.
  • $m∈M$ – A set of modules. Modules are an index of a mutually exclusive subset of shelves.
  • $P_b⊆P$ – A block is a subset of products.
  • $S_m⊆S$ – A module is a subset of shelves.


  • $N_p^{min}$, $N_p^{max}$ – The minimum and maximum number of facings for product $p$
  • $G_p$ – Unit profit of product $p$; used as shortage penalty (treated to be $\max\{0, G_p\}$
  • $R_p$ – Replenishment period of product $p$
  • $D_p$ – Demand forecast of product $p$
  • $L_p$ – Priority weight for height placement of product $p$
  • $W_p$ – Facing width of product $p$
  • $H_p$ – Height of product $p$
  • $M_p$ – Unit weight of product $p$
  • $P_{p,s}$ – Number units per facing of product $p$ on shelf $s$
  • $M_s^{min}$, $M_s^{max}$ – The minimum and maximum unit weight on shelf $s$
  • $W_s$ – Width of shelf $s$
  • $H_s$ – Height of shelf $s$
  • $L_p$ – Shelf level, counted from bottom to top
  • $SL$ – Slack, maximum difference in block starting points and between block max and min width
  • $w_1=0.5$
  • $w_2=10.0$
  • $w_3=0.1$


\[\min \left(w_1 ∑_s o_s + w_2 ∑_p G_p e_p + w_3 ∑_{p,s} L_p L_s n_{p,s}\right)\]

Basic Variables

  • $n_{p,s}$ – Number of facings of product $p$ on shelf $s$
  • $s_p$ – Amount of product $p$ sold
  • $e_p$ – Shortage of product $p$ (mismatch between demand and on-shelf inventory)
  • $o_p$ – Total empty space on shelf $s$
  • $y_p$$1$ if product is assigned to module $m$, $0$ otherwise

Basic Constraints

\[\begin{aligned} & n_{p,s} ∈ ℤ_{≥0}, & ∀p,s \\ & y_p ∈ \{0,1\}, & ∀p \\ & s_p ≥ 0, & ∀p \\ & e_p ≥ 0, & ∀p \\ & o_s ≥ 0, & ∀s \\ & \\ & n_{p,s}=0, & ∀p,s∣H_p > H_s \\ & n_{p,s}=0, & ∀p,s∣M_p > M_s^{max} \\ & ∑_p n_{p,s} ≥ y_{p}, & ∀p \\ & N_p^{min} y_p ≤ ∑_s n_{p,s} ≤ N_p^{max} y_p, & ∀p \\ & s_p ≤ \min\left(∑_s \frac{30}{R_p} P_{p,s} n_{p,s}, D_p\right), & ∀p \\ & s_p + e_p = D_p, & ∀p \\ & ∑_p W_p n_{p,s} + o_s = W_s, & ∀s \\ \end{aligned}\]

Block Variables

  • $z_{b,s}$$1$ if block is assigned on shelf $s$, otherwise $0$
  • $z_{b,s}^f$$1$ if shelf $s$ is the first shelf of block $b$, otherwise $0$
  • $z_{b,s}^l$$1$ if shelf $s$ is the last shelf of block $b$, otherwise $0$
  • $b_{b,s}$ – Width of block $b$ on shelf $s$
  • $m_{b,m}$ – Block width on module
  • $v_{b,m}$$1$ if block is assigned to module $m$, otherwise $0$
  • $x_{b,s}$ – Block starting location on shelf $s$
  • $x_{b,m}$ – Block starting location on module $m$
  • $w_{b,b'}$$1$ if block $b$ precedes block $b'$, otherwise $0$

Block Constraints

\[\begin{aligned} & b_{b,s}≥0, & ∀b,s \\ & z_{b,s}∈\{0,1\}, & ∀b,s \\ & m_{b,m}≥0, & ∀b,m \\ & z_{b,s}^f∈\{0,1\}, & ∀b,s \\ & z_{b,s}^l∈\{0,1\}, & ∀b,s \\ & x_{b,s}≥0, & ∀b,s \\ & x_{b,m}≥0, & ∀b,m \\ & w_{b,b'}∈\{0,1\}, & ∀b,b' \\ & v_{b,m}∈\{0,1\}, & ∀b,m \\ & \\ & ∑_{p∈P_b} W_p n_{p,s} ≤ b_{b,s}, & ∀s,b \\ & ∑_b b_{b,s} ≤ W_s, & ∀s \\ & b_{b,s} ≤ W_s z_{b,s}, & ∀b,s \\ & b_{b,s} ≥ m_{b,m} - W_s (1 - z_{b,s}) - SL, & ∀b,m,s∣s∈S_m \\ & b_{b,s} ≤ m_{b,m} + W_s (1 - z_{b,s}) + SL, & ∀b,m,s∣s∈S_m \\ & \\ & ∑_s z_{b,s}^f ≤ 1, & ∀b \\ & ∑_s z_{b,s}^l ≤ 1, & ∀b \\ & z_{b,s}^f = z_{b,s}, & ∀b,s=1 \\ & z_{b,s}^l = z_{b,s}, & ∀b,s=|S| \\ & z_{b,s+1}^f + z_{b,s} = z_{b,s+1} + z_{b,s}^l, & ∀b,s∣s≤|S|-1 \\ & \\ & ∑_{p∈P_b} n_{p,s} ≥ z_{b,s}, & ∀b,s \\ & n_{p,s} ≤ N_p^{max} z_{b,s}, & ∀b,p,s∣p∈P_b \\ & \\ & x_{b,s} ≤ W_s z_{b,s}, & ∀b,s \\ & x_{b,s} + b_{b,s} ≤ W_s, & ∀b,s \\ & x_{b,s} + W_s (1 - z_{b,s}) ≥ x_{b',s} + b_{b,s} - W_s (1 - w_{b,b'}), & ∀b,b',m∣b≠b' \\ & x_{b',s} + W_s (1 - z_{b', s}) ≥ x_{b,s} + b_{b,s} - W_s w_{b,b'}, & ∀b,b',m∣b≠b' \\ & x_{b,m} ≥ x_{b,s} - W_s (1 - z_{b,s}) - SL, & ∀b,m,s∣s∈S_m \\ & x_{b,m} ≤ x_{b,s} + W_s (1 - z_{b,s}) + SL, & ∀b,m,s∣s∈S_m \\ & \\ & n_{p,s} ≤ N_p^{max} v_{b,m}, & ∀p,b,m,s∣s∈S_m,p∈P_b \\ & ∑_m v_{b,m} ≤ 1, & ∀b \end{aligned}\]